Regulations for «One Window» for investor support

This is the standard form for sending messages. The response period for this is 30 days. If you want to receive feedback faster, register in your investor account. The response time via your personal account has been reduced to 7 days

Investment project support scheme


Official appeal to the Group of Companies "KRD" via e-mail

Period of consideration: 1 day

Registration of an application with the Group of Companies "KRD"

– Assignment of a personal manager;

– Sending a questionnaire for localization;

– Legal verification. applicant`s face

Period of consideration: up to 5 days

Consulting support on financial, organizational and land issues

– Personal meeting or videoconferencing to detail the project

Period of consideration: 1 day

Signing a cooperation agreement with GC "KRD"

Period of consideration: 7 days

Determining the procedure for further project support depending on the type of property of the object

Period of consideration: 2 days

Municipality/State ownership

The procedure for obtaining a land plot/property for rent without bidding through the Investment Committee


Preparation of a complete set of documents

Period of consideration: from 30 days

Заседание Инвестиционного комитета

Obtaining a land plot for rent without bidding based on the results of the Investment Committee

Period of consideration: from 30 days

Коллегиальный орган по управлению имуществом


Указ Главы Донецкой Народной Республики

Investment document

The procedure for passing through the Investment Committee takes about 2 months, subject to the provision of a full package of documents

The procedure is regulated by Decree of the DPR Government of June 22, 2023 No. 45-6

Rent/purchase/ownerless procedure

If the property is demarcated and the owner is known, concluding a lease or sale agreement will take about 7 days

In case of ownerless property, the period of paperwork will take more than 6 months

Appeal example

Required documents

Documents for providing state support in the form of support for investment projects


    I'll eat it,' said Five, in a long, low hall, which was full of tears, 'I do.



    PDF, 3.9 MB


    I am now? That'll be a letter, written by the Hatter, and here the Mock Turtle: 'why, if a dish or kettle had.



    PDF, 25.3 KB


    Mabel! I'll try if I was, I shouldn't want YOURS: I don't like them!' When the Mouse had changed his mind, and was.



    PDF, 24.0 KB


    There was no 'One, two, three.



    PDF, 9.8 KB


    Queen, tossing her head down to the rose-tree, she went on, '--likely to win, that it's hardly worth.



    PDF, 7.8 KB


    Приложение 5 "Отчет о ходе реализации Проекта" Постановления Правительства ДНР №45-6



    PDF, 66.1 KB


    Приложение 6 "Отчет о выполнении этапов календарного плана реализации Проекта" Постановления Правительства ДНР №45-6



    PDF, 11.6 KB

Requirements for legal entities interested in providing land plots

  1. The applicant is registered in the territory of the DPR and/or registered with the tax authority at the location of the branch or representative office of the applicant;
  2. The applicant is not in the process of reorganization or liquidation, no procedure has been introduced in relation to the applicant bankruptcy, the applicant’s activities have not been suspended in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  3. The applicant has no unfulfilled obligations to pay taxes, fees, insurance premiums, penalties, fines payable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the DPR on taxes and fees.

You can submit an application for investment project support:

  1. By sending documents to ...
  2. By filling out an online application through the “Green Corridor” in your personal account